Thursday, March 1, 2018

A Common Cloud

Sometimes, invisible disease are internal. For some, a diagnosis is the very thing that they fear.

Today, I want to talk about a friend who does not want to confront thier diagnosis medically, but they are sure that there is something like depressions that haunts them.

They say that it runs in thier family, whatever this thing is. Sometimes, when they wake up, they do not want to get themselves out of the bed. The day is a dark cloud is holding them down. Some days, they feel like the world is pushing them down into the darkness.

They feel dissassossiated. The world isn’t a part of them and they aren’t a part of it. Nothing can change that until thier depression decides to change that.

Depression is a major invisible illness that affects many of us at some time in our lifetime. For my friend, it is a scary illness that they do not want to confront for fear of it becoming even a greater part of them.

If you or someone you know may be suffering from depression, here is a site to identitify the warning signs and symptoms: . If you want to start coping with depression, here is a site that could help, too: .

And I can easily say that this friend is not the only one I know who has undiagnosed depression. It is something that many people will never admit. I will say, however, that it is worth looking for help, if at all possible. There are help lines and plenty of people in this world who can connect us to someone who can really help. In fact, depression is very common in many people with autoimmune diseases like Crohn’s disease, too.

For many humans, depression is a common cloud, so finding the help you need may only be a conversation away.

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